Factors affecting users' preferences for mobile app news notifications and their relationship to breaking news personalization


Assistant Professor at the department of Communication and media sciences , Faculty of Arts, Ain Shams University


This study aims to monitor users' uses for the possibility of selecting and diagnosing breaking news topics, knowing their personal preferences and notifications, and monitoring the most important news applications that those who are concerned about receiving news and activating their notifications. This study is a descriptive study that followed the media survey curriculum, and the study tools were electronic questionnaires, discussion focus groups, and phone calls with technology contacts with various newspapers and magazines. The human study sample was 331 individuals, and the time range of the study was from 1/11/2021 to 1/1/ 2022. This study was based on three theories: cognitive theory, network society theory and media-based theory.
 The most important results of the study were: most users have their phones from Android, and a small percentage of the IOS system. The most commonly used app for breaking news is the Seventh Day app. The topics that the converts prefer to read during telephone notices are political, sports, cultural and artistic, and economic topics have come in last place. Most of the respondents do news notices in exchange for a small percentage that do not. The most preferred times for receiving notifications were when breaking news occurred, then after 9 p.m., then from 2 p.m. to 9 p.m., and morning times were the least favored by the youths. The theory of media dependence on cognitive, emotional and behavioral influences has been validated.


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