The impact of the digital environment and artificial intelligence on electronic journalism in Egypt "Theoretical Approach"


Assistant Professor, Damietta University, Cairo, Egypt


Electronic journalism is an integral part of the digital environment, as a result of the tremendous technological development that has taken place in this era, as a result of this development, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE entered the field of journalism and had a significant impact on electronic journalism. The study aimed at: Learn about electronic journalism, and learn what Artificial Intelligence is and what its applications are. Learn about the advantages of introducing Artificial Intelligence into electronic journalism, And the reality of the process of introducing artificial intelligence in the Egyptian press. The study used the descriptive approach, The study found the following results: -
-  Artificial intelligence is a new science for the Arab press, It needs further studies specializing in the use of artificial intelligence technology in journalism.
- There are many factors that affect the process of turning electronic journalism into intelligent journalism.
- So far, the process of introducing artificial intelligence into the Egyptian press is still weak and needs more attention.
- The need to introduce a specialized subject of artificial intelligence in the faculties of information.


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