Factors affecting the Egyptian public's resistance to the content of popular influencers' pages Through social media platforms: field analytical study


Department of Social Sciences and Media, Faculty of Specific Education, Zagazig University



The study aimed to identify the causes and levels of resistance of the Egyptian public to the content of influencers' pages on social media platforms and to find differences between males and females in the reasons for this resistance, The differences in resistance themselves, based on the quantitative approach, are descriptive studies. The study was conducted on an available sample of 903 members of the Egyptian public, The study found that Facebook is the most widely used platform in the Egyptian public, and that the reason Perceived target disability is most common among the Egyptian public, and the most widespread cognitive resistance has come between them. The study also found that (page chaos) is the most influential cause of resistance as a whole. And also in behavioral resistance specifically, while previous negative experiences have been the most influential in cognitive and emotional resistance in the study sample towards influencer pages across social media platforms. The results of the study indicated that there were differences between males and females in favour of males in resistance and causal (page chaos, goal impairment). And also a difference in resistance to their own advantage. The study also confirmed the existence of expulsive relationships between (page chaos, goal impairment, previous negative experiences) and the Egyptian public's resistance to the content of influencer pages across social media platforms. The study recommended that communication planners should reduce reliance on influencers to communicate their messages to target audiences.


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