Deepfake Technology: A Comprehensive Analysis of its Societal Implications and Impact (in-depth interview with experts)


1 Faculty of Mass Communication , Cairo University

2 National Center for Social and Criminological Research


This paper explores the extensive impacts of deepfake technology through expert in-depth interviews, across various societal dimensions, emphasizing ethical, legal, and social challenges. Deepfake technology, characterized by its ability to create convincing but artificial representations, has raised significant ethical and social concerns due to its potential for misuse in misrepresentations, abuse, and fraud. These concerns are exacerbated by the technology's rapid advancement, which has surpassed both public understanding and existing regulatory frameworks, highlighting the urgency for a balanced consideration of its harms and benefits. The paper further examines deepfakes' potential to undermine the integrity of elections and democracy by distorting perceptions of political candidates, thus posing risks to electoral integrity. The cultural implications of deepfakes necessitate a reevaluation of communication ethics and representation, challenging established notions of truthfulness. The legal landscape, grappling with issues of privacy, defamation, and copyright, faces significant challenges in accommodating the nuances of deepfake technology, calling for robust legal frameworks. Furthermore, the development of detection and prevention strategies underscores the technological efforts to counteract deepfakes' destabilizing effects on social and political stability.


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