Egyptian Children and Teenagers Mental and Behavioral Health TV Programs: Specialist Perspectives and Development Approaches


Radio & TV Dept., Faculty of Mass Communication - Cairo University


In recent times, a surge in challenges pertaining to the mental well-being of children and adolescents has surfaced, manifesting as behavioral or cognitive deviations. These deviations have, in turn, precipitated the emergence of societal outliers like harassment, bullying, and premature instances of suicide. The phases of childhood and adolescence stand as pivotal junctures in an individual's life, forming the bedrock upon which their understanding, values, and convictions are established. Nurturing within a stable family setting during these formative stages fosters psychological equilibrium and acts as a deterrent against deviant thoughts and conduct. Of particular concern is the escalating social issue of family disintegration, which has led to psychological afflictions and aggressive behavioral maladies among children, often disregarded by parents. This study seeks to explore how Egyptian television programs address mental and behavioral health concerns among the youth. Employing content analysis, the investigation spans from January 2022 to March 2023, encompassing three television programs aired on cbc, dmc, and Al Hayah channels. A comprehensive survey identified and examined 85 relevant segments accessible through the YouTube channels of these programs. Furthermore, a qualitative inquiry unfolded through 14 in-depth interviews with specialists in psychiatry, psychology, behavior modification, media, and childhood development. Rooted in the Social Development Model (SDM), the study culminated in a series of findings highlighting the strengths and limitations of these programs. Moreover, an expert-driven perspective emerged from the intensive interviews, offering an evaluative lens on Egyptian television programs. This specialized vision aims to propel not only the programs' development but also have a positive impact on the larger media landscape. This would involve actively improving public health awareness and contributing to a more informed society.


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