Circulating political rumors on social networking sites (Facebook and Twitter) and the role of official institutions in the state in confronting them: An analytical study


Instructor at the Radio and Television Department, Faculty of Mass Communication , Cairo University, Egypt


Rumors are one of the social evils that have plagued societies throughout the ages, and rumors have spread very widely at the present time. Because of the force of its spread, it has become in the minds of some confirmed facts.
 This study aims to Study the spread and circulation of political rumors through social networking sites "Facebook and Twitter", the methods used by official institutions in the country to manage the crisis, correct those rumors and try to eliminate them
This study is one of the descriptive and analytical studies that aim to describe and analyze the phenomenon of social networks in terms of the circulation of political rumors through the “Facebook and Twitter” websites, and the role of official institutions in the state in confronting and refuting those rumors.
The study relied on the survey method by relying on the sample survey method, where the content of political rumors that were circulated on the “Facebook and Twitter” websites and related to four specific topics or issues: “Corona pandemic - the issue of the Renaissance Dam - the issue of conflict in Libya - The issue of the Reconciliation Law on Building Violations", is analysed through comments, posts, methods of formulating the rumor and its sources, during the period from January to October 2020, and the number of rumors reached 400.
The response was studied and analyzed through the following pages related to responding to and correcting rumors via Facebook and Twitter: “Matsadaksh” page on Facebook, “Dah Bgd” page on Facebook, “Falso” website and its page on Facebook and Twitter, and the official page For the Presidency of the Council of Ministers on Facebook, the official pages of all ministries and agencies, the AFP pages to combat rumors in Arabic and English on Facebook and Twitter, and the official page of the World Health Organization on Facebook and Twitter.
In-depth interview sample: An in-depth interview with (15) officials and leaders in the official institutions of the state; To learn about its role and plans in confronting political rumors through social media.
The study employed the "rumor theory" as a theoretical framework to monitor the most important factors of the spread of political rumors under study.
The results of the study showed that Facebook and Twitter are at the forefront of the sites on which political rumors spread about the topics under study during this year 2020, and that users of social networking sites are the first source of political rumors in the study sample with a percentage of 50.8%, while Facebook pages came in second place with a percentage of 35. %, and official institutions in the state are the first target for political rumors, the study sample, with a percentage of 72.5%, and with regard to ministries and institutions targeted by political rumors, the study sample in particular, service institutions were in the first place with a percentage of 43.8%. 90.5%, and 88.3% of the political rumors in the study sample were believable, compared to only 11.8% that were not believable, and finally 72% of the political rumors in the study sample were denied and responded to by the Egyptian state, and the reliance on the statements of officials or official spokesmen and official bodies was The first means of refuting and confronting political rumors was the study sample with a percentage of 82.5%.


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