The relationship of exposure to the WHO page on social networking sites with the level of knowledge of the emerging corona virus pandemic (COVID-19) in the public: (Empirical Study)


Lecturer of electronic journalism, College of Communication and Humanities, University of Minnesota, USA


The study aimed to research aspects of the crisis as addressed by the World Health Organization page on Facebook, and to identify the level of awareness of the role of the site in light of the spread of the virus, and the relationship between the level of public knowledge and exposure to the organization’s page, and the extent of its exposure to the organization’s page during the spread of the pandemic. The World Health Organization (WHO) on social media at the level of knowledge of the emerging corona virus (COVID-19) pandemic among the public (a field study), and the study relied, in its theoretical framework, on the knowledge gap theory.
It is a descriptive quantitative research and adopted the survey method, as well as the electronic questionnaire tool, and the time limits were represented in the application of the form during the period of the beginning of the emergence of the new Corona epidemic (COVID-19), March 16, 2020 and then its outbreak, until the announcement of the plan to coexist with the virus in August 2020, as for the human and spatial boundaries, represented by a random, irregular sample of the Egyptian public following the events of the Corona epidemic on the WHO page on the social networking site Facebook, with 302 males and females, and the results revealed:
The hypothesis of the knowledge gap theory was validated, as it was proven that there were statistically significant differences between the respondents on their different demographic variables (age - education level - income level) and knowledge of the coronavirus through the organization's page.
There are statistically significant differences between the respondents on their different demographic variables (type - monthly income) and the rate of exposure in terms of follow-up time with regard to the number of hours the respondents spend on social media after the emergence of the Corona virus.
The results also showed the positive role of the organization’s page in developing health awareness and combating the Corona pandemic crisis in light of the spread of the virus, and that it contributed to educating the respondents in terms of symptoms, prevention and transmission of infection through the hours they spend on social media, and that social networking sites, including the World Health Organization website Facebook has become one of the main sources that the Egyptian public relies on to obtain information about the emerging Corona virus crisis.


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