The official Page Egyptian Cabinet of Ministers Dependency on Persuasive Methods Via Facebook to Enhance Community Security


Assistant teatcher at Department of Broadcasting , Faculty of Media and Communication Technology,Misr University for Science and Technology, Egypt


This study seeks to attempt to reach practical applications for managing the official page of the Egyptian Council of Ministers via Facebook in the light of the results of this study, as this site offers instructiveness, as it has become one of the most important interactive media tools, especially for young people and adolescents. It also seeks to measure the audience’s interaction with what is published on the official page of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, to identify the extent to which users feel fear or collective danger in society, by analyzing the audience’s interaction and feedback through comments and notices of admiration, anger, rejection, participation and other things. interactive methods, Considering the risk is a multi-dimensional variable, and the most important and prominent variable in determining the effects of the Cabinet page on the Facebook website on the knowledge of the public (users), its trends and feeling of panic or safety, as well as identifying the persuasive methods used in the publications of the page, the sample of the study in times of crisis.  Where the researcher chose a deliberate sample, which is the official page of the Presidency of the Egyptian Council of Ministers, where she monitored the contents published on that page in the time period from17 November, 2021 to 25 November, 2021, to be the time period for research.
The results of the study show that there are 116 publications out of 142 publications that the researcher analyzed their content, they follow the first model of persuasion, which is the information model, where these publications used synonyms that reassure the public and enhance security and community peace at a rate of (81.7%), followed by the use of the third model (asymmetric two-way).  at a rate of (18.3%), as both of the two used models enhance security and community peace.


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