The relationship between watching television programs and achieving sustainable development in light of Egypt's Vision 2030 from the viewpoint of young viewers


Lecturer, Radio and Television department at International Academy for Engineering and Media Science (IAEMS), Egypt


Sustainable development is considered one of the most important trends of comprehensive development, stipulated by international organizations and reinforced by various efforts and conferences at the global level, as Egypt pays great attention to it. Accordingly, the study aimed to analyze the relationship between watching television programs and achieving sustainable development in light of Egypt’s Vision 2030 throughout the national dimensions. Hence, a descriptive analytical approach through a questionnaire consists of three axes studying the relationship between watching television programs and achieving sustainable development in its environmental, humanitarian, cultural and social dimensions, as well as economic dimension. An intentional sample of 100 young Egyptian participants (18-35 years) was applied.
The results revealed a significant support (3.61) for the relationship between watching television programs and achieving the environmental dimension in terms of raising awareness of environment, energy, natural resources eg. water, pollution; thus, it helps in gaining information about recycling, electricity consumption, waste disposal and clean energy.
Regarding humanitarian, social and cultural dimension, the study expressed a great agreement of (3.59) in terms of the contribution of television programs watching in knowledge increase, rehabilitation enforcement, exploiting capabilities and talents as well as magnification of community and political participation.
In the view of economic dimension, the results expressed great approval of the importance of television role in enhancing the concepts of innovation, production, optimal use of energy and resources, clean energy applications and modern technology utilization.
In light of the above, watching television programs aids Egypt’s sustainable and comprehensive developmental targeted dimension.


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