Brand personality as reflected in celebrities’ advertisements and its relation to credibility perception of the public's


Lecturer at the Department of Public Relations & Advertising, Ahram Canadian University, Cairo, Egypt


This research aims to identify the different influences of celebrity personalities in advertisements on the brand personalities, and to what extent the celebrity personality is reflected on the brand personality, and its impact on the public’s credibility, in addition to identify the publics’ reasons to exposes to the celebrity advertisements, and what are the factors affect their belief in the content. As well as, comparing between the celebrity personalities in the advertisements and brand personality, by analysing the content of celebrities advertisements to identify the personality dimensions of brands and celebrities, and a survey respondents’ opinions from Celebrity viewer’s advertisements.   The theoretical framework in the analytical study was "Brand Personality" model, and in the field study was "Source Credibility" model.
The results of the research revealed  that the  ‘Shopping products’ and ‘Services’ celebrities advertisements, focused on (efficiency), while  ‘convenience  products’ focused on (excitement). The impact of celebrity personality on the brand personality was moderate. The dimensions of celebrities’ personalities in the advertisements were (Sophistication, Efficiency, and Excitement), while the dimensions of brand personalities were (Efficiency, Excitement, and Sophistication).
In addition that, there is no relationship between (product attributes reflected in celebrity advertisements) and (the credibility of celebrity advertisements for the respondents), while there is a relationship between (product attributes reflected in celebrity advertisements), and (factors that effect on the degree of respondents' belief in celebrity ads)
 There is a statistically significant relationship between the celebrity personality and the  brand personality of the brand.
Also the  respondents of demographic variables have  a role in influencing on brand  personality of the brand as reflected in celebrity advertisements and their relationship to their perception of credibility.


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