Cultural Values in Digital Television Drama: Man & Woman Relationship’ Analysis study on Shahid. Net


Lecturer of Radio and Television, Faculty of Communication & Mass Media, British University BUE, Egypt


Television on demand applications that produce drama content to Arab viewers have increased rapidly in the past few years. That content reflects both indigenous and intrusive cultural values as well as reflecting the reality of Arab societies.  To explore the presented cultural values, the researcher chose to conduct a qualitative analysis of a purposive sample of TV drama presented on the Arabic digital platform,  This study aimed at analyzing the cultural and social values governing the relationships between men and women in the Egyptian society during marriage and after divorce as presented in the drama “The 45 rules of divorce.”  Through the discourse analysis of the included values in the drama, the research results indicate the concentration on the values of priority of family interest over the wife’s personal interest, and the husband’s selfishness and masculinity values during the marriage.  The drama showed the prevalence of different values after divorce like exchanging the blame, the negative image of divorced women, and the acceptance of western liberal informal relationships between men and women.    The latter value is considered an intrusive value to the Egyptian society and has a negative effect on its value structure.


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