The impact of youth exposure to Android applications and its impact on their Egyptian cultural identity: A field study


Lecturer, MSA University


The general objective of the research is to: Identify the emergence of Android applications and their impact on the cultural identity of young people, and to reveal the factors of cultural change resulting from these technologies.
The most important results of the study:
- Watching satellite channels on Android applications has a negative impact on Egyptian values, customs and traditions by (53.5%), which may affect the Arab identity among young people, and that (34.84%) has no effect on Egyptian values ​​and customs, while (53.5%) have a positive impact on values, customs and traditions.
- That (35.5%) believe that these applications do not affect the customs and traditions of the Egyptian family, while (6.5%) believe that they affect the habits of the Egyptian family, and (58.08%) believe that they may affect the Egyptian family.
- That (44.9%) believe that watching satellite channels on Android applications can lead to an increase in the spread of new behavioral patterns in the Egyptian family, while (32.3%) believe that they affect and (22.72%) believe that they do not.
- That (51.5%) believe that watching satellite channels on Android applications affects the Arab identity to some extent, as young people imitate and acquire from foreign channels, while (29.79%) believe that it does not affect the Arab identity, and that (18.68) %) see it as affecting the Arab identity.
- That (55%) see that watching satellite channels on Android applications distances people from the sense of society and what happens in it to some extent, as young people spend long times and hours in front of these applications, while (28.78%) see that it distances people About the sense of the community that occurs in it, and that (16.06%) believe that it does not alienate him.
