Attitudes of Arab youth towards marketing through social media influencers and its relationship to purchasing behavior : A field study


Lecturer at the faculty of Mass Communication, Al Azhar University


The study aimed to measure the intensity, motives and patterns of exposure of Arab youth to famous influencers on social media sites, and to reveal their attitudes towards this marketing method and its relationship to purchasing behavior. The study used the survey method as a tool for collecting data from a quota sample of 400 Arab youth who use social networking sites equally distributed over four Arab countries (Egypt, Algeria, Saudi Arabia, and the UAE) at a rate of 100 individuals for each of them, and the study was conducted during the period From 25/1/2019 to 1/3/2019.
The study concluded several results, the most important of which are:
- There is a high rate of Arab youth who are exposing to the pages of influensures on social media; This confirms its high role in e-marketing as a new tool that companies can use to promote their products and services.
- Instagram came at the forefront of the social networking sites through which Arab youth follow these influencers, followed by YouTube, then Snapchat, then Facebook, while Twitter came in the back.
- The logical method that addresses the mind and does not underestimate it came at the forefront of the marketing methods preferred by Arab youth, followed by the method that provides realistic information about the product, then the method that explains the characteristics of the product and the method of its use, then the method that presents the benefits and characteristics of the product or service, then the method that It focuses on the quality and position of the product in the market, then the method that compares products and services.
- Leading the positive trend among Arab youth towards marketing through famous social networking sites.
- The main hypothesis that there are statistically significant differences between the demographic characteristics of Arab youth and the intensity of their exposure to the pages of famous social networking sites has been partially proven correct.
- The hypothesis that there is a statistically significant correlation between exposure patterns to the pages of famous social networking sites and the purchasing behavior of Arab youth has been proven correct.
The hypothesis that there are statistically significant differences between the demographic characteristics of Arab youth and the trend towards marketing through social networking sites has been partially proven correct.
- The hypothesis that there is a statistically significant correlation between the trend towards marketing through famous social media sites and the purchasing behavior of Arab youth has been proven correct.
- The hypothesis that the attitudes of Arab youth towards the dimensions of the credibility of marketing through social media celebrity sites affects their purchasing behavior has been proven correct.
