What Business Model is Suitable for Online Arab Newspapers? Journalists’ Perspectives

نوع المستند : بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.


Journalism and Media Professor, Cairo and Zayed University, Egypt and UAE


The study aimed to explore the journalists’ perspectives on ways to refinance Arab newspapers’ production and face the digital transformation challenges. The study  found that Arab journalists have an ambiguous perception of the appropriate business models for newspapers in the digital age.  The journalists ranking of the sources of revenue that newspapers can rely on are not  well-suited with the appropriate business models for the digital environment, which 
could be explained by a lack of knowledge of business models. Most of the journalists’ experiences are derived from working under the conventional models. They do not  trust public funding as a successful model and expect the continuity of the free model. 
The journalists still endorse the conventional business model, which depends on advertising, circulation, and external support. These types of models are difficult to be implemented in the digital era, with the decline of advertising revenue, the unwillingness  of the governments to continue subsiding these newspapers, and the growing fall of the  newspaper’s circulation. The journalists have some certain reluctance toward the new  ecosystem

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