الخطاب الإعلامي للمؤسسات الرسمية المصرية علي مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي تجاه الشائعات خلال کورونا :فيس بوک نموذجًا

نوع المستند : بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.


مدرس الصحافة والنشر بقسم الصحافة والإعلام، کلية الدراسات الإسلامية والعربية بنات، جامعة الأزهر


تسعى الدراسة إلى رصد وتحليل وتفسير آليات الخطاب الصحفي في مواجهة الشائعات حول جائجة کورونا من خلال الصفحات الرسمية المصرية لمجلس الوزراء،وزارة الصحة،وزارة التعليم العالي والبحث العلمي،المرکز الإعلامي لجامعة الأزهر.
وتنتمي هذه الدراسة إلى الدراسات الوصفية التي اعتمدت على منهج المسح الإعلامي خلال الفترة من1مارس2020حتى1مارس2021، واستخدمت أداة تحليل الخطاب.
وتوصلت الدراسة إلى عدة نتائج أهمها استهداف الشائعات زعزعة الأمن فتصدرت الترتيب الأول في خطاب المواقع الرسمية کماحرص الخطاب الموجه من وزارة التربية والتعليم العالي والبحث العلمي بالحديث عن مجلس الوزراء کقوى فاعلة إيجابية فجاءت في الترتيب الأول، يليه خطاب مجلس الوزراء في الترتيب الثاني، بينما تساوى خطاب وزارة الصحة والسکان مع خطاب المرکز الإعلامي لمجلس الوزراء فجاء کلا منهما في الترتيب الثالث.

الكلمات الرئيسية

1-Abdullah Imran Ali Ibrahim, Persuasive Discourse on Egyptian Television, A Study in Analyzing Health Discourse in Talk Shows “The Corona Pandemic as a Model” Journal of Media Research, Al-Azhar University, p. 55, Part 4, October 2020, pp. 2575-2618.
2-Muhammad Muhammad Ali Emara, Analyzing the rhetorical structures of colorful political news towards Egypt via YouTube, Journal of Media Research, Al-Azhar University, p. 55, Volume 4, October 2020, pp. 2647-2778.
3- Ayat Ahmed Ramadan, entitled "The Crisis of the Rohingya Muslims in the Discourse of Arab Media Websites - An Analytical Study", Journal of Media Research, Al-Azhar University, 2017.
4- Salwa Ahmed Muhammad Abu El-Ela, Using the infographic on the official Egyptian websites to respond to rumors, "The Media Center of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as a model", Journal of Media Research, Issue 54, Part 1, July 2020, pp. 11-80
5- Enas Mansour Kamel Sharaf, The Role of Social Media in Promoting Rumors and Presenting the Realities of the Novel Coronavirus (Covid-19), Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 246-193.
6- سامية تسنيم ، محمد محبوب حويمونتي مازومدر ، تأثير الشائعات أو المعلومات الخاطئة على مرض فيروس کورونا (کوفيد - 19) على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي ، "مجلة الطب الوقائي والصحة العامة ، نيسان ، 2020 ، المجلد (53) ، العدد (3).
7-Mahmoud Darwish study, Government websites dealing with rumors in light of the Open Data Initiative, The Arab Journal for Media and Communication Research, No. 28, 2020.
8- Shaima Muhammad Abdul Rahim Zayan, Strategies for confronting rumors about the Corona crisis and its repercussions on official websites: An applied study on the websites of the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 699-730.
9- Muhammad bin Ayed Al-Tom, entitled Rumors in Social Media: Twitter as a Model, Al-Shamal Journal for Human Sciences, Northern Border University, Volume 4, Issue 1, 1440 AH - 2019 AD, pp. 137 - 156.
10- Marwa Yassin Bassiouni, exposure to opinion programs on satellite TV channels, and its relationship to the level of morale among Egyptian youth towards the performance of the Egyptian state in the face of the epidemic pandemic "Corona", Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 29-93.
11- Sarah Said Abdel-Gawad Desouki, The Public’s Dependence on Egyptian Satellite Channels and Social Media as a Source to Promote Awareness about the Corona Pandemic, Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 95-129.
12- Alaa bint Bakr Ali Al-Sheikh, the role of the media in shaping the attitudes of those wishing to perform Umrah towards the Kingdom’s decision to suspend it with the beginning of the Corona pandemic and its relationship to the mental image of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020 pp. 131-191.
13- Fatima Saud Abdul Aziz Al-Salem, The Credibility of the Kuwaiti Official Media During Crises: The Corona Pandemic (Covid 19) as a Model, The Egyptian Public Relations Association, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 247-277.
14- Hatem Ali Haider Al-Salihi, Employing Internet Applications in Reducing the Outbreak of the Covid 19 Epidemic, "A Case Study of the Yemeni Experience", Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 319-355.
15- Asmaa Abdel Aziz Mustafa, Attitudes of trust towards addressing the Corona virus crisis: a study of the public’s comments using hypothetical ethnography methodology on the daily report of the Egyptian Ministry of Health and Population, Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 357-376.
16- Hajar Mahmoud Mohamed Omar, The Egyptian public’s use of television and Facebook to obtain information about the Corona pandemic and their attitudes towards government performance in light of the information epidemic, Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 465-512.
17- Muhammad Othman Hassan Ali, entitled Frameworks for presenting the Corona pandemic “Covid-19” in electronic news websites: an analytical study on a sample of Egyptian news websites, Journal of Public Relations Research Middle East, p. 29, October 2020, pp. 557-588.
18- Ahmed Omran Mahmoud, entitled The Role of Egyptian Electronic Newspapers in Awareness of the Public on the Societal Risks of the Corona Pandemic (A Field Study), Journal of Media Research, Al-Azhar University, p. 55, vol. 4, October 2020, pp. 2379-2448.
19-Zainab Al-Husseini Rajab Bilal Rayhan, The Egyptian satellite channels’ news treatment of the Corona virus pandemic, “An Analytical Study”, Journal of Media Research, p. 55, part 4, October 2020, pp. 2447-2486.
20- Nermin Ali Ajwa, Strategies for communicating health risks through social media in the face of the Corona pandemic, “An analytical study on the official pages of the Egyptian Ministry of Health”, Journal of Media Research, Al-Azhar University, p. 55, part 4, July 2020, pp. 2433-2494.
21-A list of the names of the arbitrators who were presented with the speech analysis form and their statement as follows:
1-Prof. Dr. Gamal Abdel Hai Al-Najjar: Professor of Journalism - Press and Media Division, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Cairo Girls - Al-Azhar University.
2-Prof. Mohamed Wahdan: Press and Media Division, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Cairo Girls - Al-Azhar University.
Assistant professors:
1-Prof. Dr. Ayat Ahmed Ramadan: Press and Media Division, Faculty of Islamic and Arabic Studies, Cairo Girls - Al-Azhar University.
22- https://www.elwatannews.com/news/details/4339746
23-The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Health
http://portal.mohesr.gov.eg/ar-eg/Pages/Home.aspx 24-
https://cutt.ly/6RR4zhF 25-
26- https://cutt.ly/oRR45Xg
27- Muhammad bin Ayed Al-Tom, Rumors and Social Networking Sites 2019, pg. 139
28- Ibn Manzur, Lisan Al Arab, Beirut: Dar Sader Al Jabour, Sana Muhammad (2014 AD), Social Media, Amman, Dar Osama for Publishing and Distribution, 1997 AD.
29- Magdy Al-Dagher, The Effects of New Media on Public Attitudes towards Awareness of the Seriousness of Rumors and Its Repercussions on the Economic Crises in Egypt During the January Revolution and Beyond - A Field Study, International Scientific Conference: Media between Hate Speech and Intellectual Security, Zarqa University, College of Press and Media 2017, p. 597 .
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31- Sherif Darwish, Sally Al-Shalakany, Crisis Industry and Influencing Society, Social Networks and Rumors, The Arab Center for Research and Studies: Political Perspectives, p. 35, 2018, p. 5.
32- Muhammad Reda Suleiman, The Role of the New Media in Confronting the Negative Effects of Rumors Related to Terrorism on Saudi Society Using the Multi-Platform Strategy, Ain Shams University: Journal of Postgraduate Studies for Childhood, Vol. 19, No. 70, 2016.
33- Nahla Najah Al-Anzi, New Media and Fighting Rumors, a working paper presented to the Forum of the College of Media (The New Communication Environment, Means and Tools), 2018, p. 3.
34- Hakim Gharib, The dangers of social networking sites on societal security, an intervention presented at the International Scientific Discussion Symposium on “Globalization of Political Media and National Security Challenges for Developing Countries, Algeria, National Higher School of Political Sciences, p. 11.
35- Reda Abdel Wajid Amin, Social Networking Sites and Rumors (Fire and Wildfire) Treatments and Solutions, Conference on Controls of Using Social Networks in Islam, Egypt, 2016, pp. 444-445.
36- Sharaf El-Din Bin Werth, Rumors and their Impact on the Security and Political Stability of the State, "Facts from the Algerian Facebook Social Networking Pages", Algeria, undated, pp. 13-14.
37- Salwa Ahmed Muhammad Abu El-Ela, Using infographics on official Egyptian websites to respond to rumours, “The Media Center of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers as a model, Journal of Media Research, College of Information, Al-Azhar University, Part 1, p. 54, July 2020, pp. 9-80.
38- The official website of the Egyptian Ministry of Health, 2020.
39- “Arinze – Umobbi somtoo and Onyinnye Chiweta Oduah,(2020), " Covid-19 crisis response strategies:the place of mass media " , International Journal of advanced research , Vol ,( 8 ) , No, 4 , April, 1102- 1109www.journaljar.com
40-http://www.mayoclinic.org/ar/diseases - conditions/coronavirus/symptooms/syc-20479963.
41-The official website of the Egyptian Ministry of Health 2020.
42-شيلفي ، "دور وسائل الإعلام والاتصال أثناء الوباء - الدور الرئيسي في مرحلة حاسمة: الفئات والتحديات" ، المجلة الدولية لأفکار البحث الإبداعي UCRT) ، مايو ، 2020 ، المجلد ، 8 ، العدد5،متاح في www.ijcrt.org.
43-Hossam Fayez Abdel Hai, “University Students’ Reliance on New Media Communications in Obtaining Information and News about the Corona Covid 19 Pandemic and its Relationship to Their Academic Integration, Journal of Media Research, p2605-2657.
44-دانيال أ ، غونزاليس باديلا الأول ، ليوناردو تورتوليرو بلانکو "وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي بطلاقة في جائحة کوفيد -19" ، الجريدة الرسمية لبرازيلية أورولوي ، يونيو 2020 ، المجلد 46 ، العدد ، 1.
45- سامية نسيم ، محمد محبوب ، هويمونتي مازومدر ، "أثر الشائعات أو المعلومات الخاطئة على وسائل التواصل الاجتماعي لمرض کورونا فاروس (کوفيد -19)" ، مجلة الطب الوقائي والصحة العامة ، نيسان 2020 ، المجلد 53 ، العدد 3.
46- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, it is common for the preparatory stage to be calculated for the first semester only, March 6, 2021.
47- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, a rumor circulating a new link on the WhatsApp application to record the data of irregular workers to obtain a pension, February 24 - 2021.
48- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, the rumor of stopping the disbursement of masks within the rationing decisions for the month of February, coinciding with the decline in the number of infections with the Corona virus, February 9 - 2021.
49-The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, a common shortage of medicines for the treatment protocols for the Corona virus in government hospitals in various governorates, coinciding with the second phase of the Corona virus, only, January 25, 2021.
50- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, taking all necessary legal measures against the spreaders of rumors about the Corona virus, 30-March 2020.
51- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, the rumor of selling remdesivir, which is intended to treat corona cases, in pharmacies, July 2, 2020.
52-The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, it is rumored that tests for the Corona virus are being conducted at petrol stations through the “Drive Through” system, June 19, 2020.
53- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, a rumor of a decision to cancel the mid-term exams in universities, coinciding with the second wave of the Corona virus, November 12, 2020.
54- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, a rumor about the issuance of a decision banning the provision of shisha in cafés and cafés, October 2, 2020.
55- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, a rumor that the Ministry of Endowments has stopped sterilizing mosques as the number of coronavirus infections decreases, 14- August 2020.
56- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, the rumor that the payment of the fourth batch of the irregular employment grant has been postponed for an indefinite period, December 3, 2020.
57- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - distributing medicines for the treatment protocol for the Corona virus to high school students before entering exams), 19 - June - 2020
58- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - high prices of masks and disinfectants in conjunction with the second wave of the Corona virus), 13-January-2021
59-The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - circulating announcements regarding the organization of Umrah programs for the next month of Ramadan), February 24-2021
60- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - a decision was issued to close all mosques in anticipation of the second wave of the Corona virus), November 25 - 2020.
61- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - changing the closing dates of the supply outlets in conjunction with the decision to organize the new closing dates for shops), 28-January-2021.
62- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (Rumors - Weak preventive measures to confront the Corona virus inside Egyptian airports, coinciding with the decrease in the number of HIV infections), 4 - September - 2020.
63- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors of stopping tax exemptions granted to investors as a result of the repercussions of the Corona crisis), 16-December-2020.
64- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - the number of ships passing through the Suez Canal decreased by 50% coinciding with the second wave of the Corona virus), 9 - December - 2020.
65- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - stopping the solidarity and dignity program for the neediest groups and directing its allocations to confront the Corona crisis), 13-November - 2020.
66- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - the government intends to close all clubs and fitness centers in anticipation of the second wave of the Corona virus), 25-December-2020.
67- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - the resumption of work in all courts at the level of the Republic), 11-April-2020.
68- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - stopping work on the projects of the National Authority for Tunnels due to the Corona crisis), 10 - April - 2020.
69- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - fining citizens if they do not commit to wearing a mask inside private cars), 4 - June - 2020.
70- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - the collection of financial fees on the registration form for the return of citizens stranded abroad), 16 - May - 2020.
71- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - forcing employees of the state’s administrative apparatus to take early retirement as a condition for obtaining an International Monetary Fund loan to confront the Corona crisis), 26-June-2020.
72- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - the Dabaa nuclear plant project stopped due to the Corona virus crisis), 6 - August - 2020.
73- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (Rumors - Cancellation of payment of the landline consumption bill due to the Corona crisis), April 10, 2020.
74- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers (rumors - importing a shipment of meat infected with the Corona virus), November 11 - 2020.
75- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, (Rumors - Cancellation of reading certificate exams in all Al-Azhar institutes), July 23 - 2020.
76-The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, (Rumors - a shortage of oxygen cylinders in Al-Sadr Hospitals in the various governorates of the Republic), 28-August-2020.
77-The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, (Rumors - Circulation of protocols for treating the Corona virus attributed to the Ministry of Health on social media), 26-June-2020.
78- The official page of the Media Council of the Council of Ministers, Rumors - Suspension of studies in universities and institutes, with the postponement of the first semester exams for two weeks to take place on January 30, December 25 - 2020.
79- The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Education denies the suspension of studies in universities and institutes, with the postponement of the first semester exams for a period of two weeks to be held next January, 26-December-2020.
80- The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, "Important clarification - all activities are continuing in universities with the application of all precautionary and preventive measures", November 24 - 2020.
81- The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, the Minister of Higher Education reassures about the final preparations for the second semester exams at universities and institutes, 1 July - 2020.
82- The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, “The Minister of Higher Education reassures the readiness of the Operations Room of the Supreme Council of Universities to follow up on the progress of examinations,” July 1 - 2020.
83- The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, restructuring the study schedules for student attendance to reduce the number of attendance times to a minimum that allows mastering the necessary scientific skills for students of the transfer and graduation years, 7 May - 2020.
84-The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the ministry calls upon users of social networking sites to investigate accuracy and objectivity in publishing news, and to communicate with the concerned authorities in the ministry, 23-April 2020.
85-The official page of the Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Re-operating all 25 isolation hospitals, with a capacity of 2377 beds in internal departments, in addition to 523 intensive care beds and 418 respirators, provided that the capacity is increased according to need, December 24 -2020 .
86- Media Center of Al-Azhar University, Corona is a verse from God that calls for reflection and reconsideration of our actions towards God and towards each other, 6-May-2020.
87-The Media Center of Al-Azhar University, the Sheikh of Al-Azhar and the Pope of the Vatican announce their participation in the Prayer for Humanity on May 14, May 3 - 2020.
88- Al-Azhar University Media Center, a statement for university students at the high level (the rarest) in light of the suspension of studies due to the new epidemic of the Corona virus, April 9 - 2020.