Ethical implications with social media (Facebook) advertising in Egypt

نوع المستند : بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.


1 lecturer in advertising and Public Relation Department, Faculty of Mass communication, MSA University

2 lecturer in the Journalism Department, Faculty of Mass communication, MSA University


The purpose of this paper is to study the significance of ethical issues in social media (Facebook) advertising, and to examine the issue of advertising ethics in social media ads, the study will depend on a questionnaire as a collective tool will be applied on 201 consumers of social media users who bought products through Facebook.
The study concluded that Facebook is becoming a daily routine habit now a days.  It is clear from the survey statistics that the majority which is 51% spends 1-3 hours on Facebook daily and 16.1% of participants spend 4-6 hours daily on Facebook.
Talking about the importance of the influencers, it was preferred by 60.6% of the respondents.  The point is that it creates brand familiarity in just minutes of the video or by the post posted by the influencers. Concerning how confident are they when they leave their personal contacts and information when buying online products, 37.5% were moderately confident, 17.9% not at all confident.

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