Attitudes of Teachers toward Media Education in Saudi Arabia

نوع المستند : بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.


Associate professor, King Abdulaziz University


Media education is an essential part of modern education as it protects children and youth from the risks and negative effects of media. This exploratory study primarily seeks to describe what teachers believe, think, or understand (attitudes) regarding their students’ involvement with popular electronic media and then assess the impact of media education on teachers. The study used a purposive sample of 121 teachers involved in basic education, and collected data using a questionnaire and discussion. Basic education teachers were recruited for the questionnaire survey and discussion sessions to determine the teachers’ perceptions of the number of hours that students spend on media, the extent and type of media’s negative effects, and the teachers’ own manner of responding to such media use. After exposure to a media education program, 94.3% of the teachers expressed inclination toward implementing media education for students. The study recommends that basic education should utilize learning environments consistent with the real-world situations faced by students, supplemented by teachers’ understanding and openness.

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