Motives of watching drama series online among Egyptian youth Multi-method Approach

نوع المستند : بحوث علمیة متخصصة فی مجال الاعلام والاتصال.


Lecturer Assistant at Broadcasting Department, Faculty of Mass Communication, Modern Sciences and Arts University


To sum up, the most favorable number of hours spent for watching online drama for males and females is 1-3 hours. Although, the American and Arabic drama series score the highest records, females favor Turkish drama series. For males, the most watched genre is action. While for females, the most watched genre is romance. The most watched genre for males and females is comedy. Adventurous and science fiction genres score good premium. The most interesting themes are social matters and human interest. For males and females, the most attractive features in drama series are idea, actors and actresses, and conflict; in addition, dialogue scores good premium.

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